The public worship of God in the presence of His people.

Blessing of the Pets

Blessing of our Pets

St. Peter Children’s Choir

Ben LeBleu, FGMS, Director of Sacred Music

In order to sustain a parish’s sacred music program, it is imperative that there be musical training beginning at an early age to introduce and provide a fundamental education to future musicians.  Data shows that at an early age we begin to form ideas of what bears importance, learn language, and develop a musical sense.  As our life continues and we mature, it is often the ideas and skills that we learned at an early age that assist us in our everyday life and bring us a sense of solace and can even provide a needed escape and a greater sense of accomplishment.  

Our children’s choir is designed to help the children of our parish to learn about elementary music theory such as: pitch, timing, and note reading and to allow them an opportunity to sing at Mass on a regular basis.  Our training model will be drawn from the Words with Wings program. While we understand that a child’s life is often filled with many activities, we have designed a program to be schedule friendly; that is, two rehearsals a month and one sung Mass. The choral term will begin in October and end in May.  The children’s choir is open to children from grade levels three through twelfth. For the older youth of our parish, we also offer a Youth Choir that sings on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm Mass and is under the direction of Dr. Kenel Williams.   

With the introduction of the children’s choir as part of the three new choral programs at St. Peter, it is our hope to be able to sustain our parish’s musical tradition for many years to come.  If you are interested in the children’s choir, please contact our Director of Sacred Music, Ben LeBleu, at 337.359.4864 or via email at

Enrollment for the children’s choir is open through the month of September, and our goal is to begin rehearsals in October and have our first sung Mass.

New Musical Opportunities at St. Peter

Our parish is offering three new choirs, in addition to our Voices of St. Peter Choir, for our parishioners to offer their musical talents by enhancing our sacred liturgy. 

  • St. Peter Children’s Choir (grades 3rd –12th)

  • St. Peter Chant Choir (open to adults 18 years old and older)

  • Singing for Life Choir (open to adults 65 years of age and older)

  • The Voices of St. Peter Choir (open to adults 18 years old and older) 

Please contact our Director of Sacred Music, Ben LeBleu, at 337-359-4864 or via email at for more information or to register for one of the choirs. 

Eucharistic Adoration: Answering God’s Call

Adoration Chapel

The Chapel of Divine Mercy has an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm until Friday mornings at 7:00 am.

Solemn Eucharistic Holy Hour

Solemn Eucharistic Holy Hour

The Power of Prayer

Prayer does not need to be done on our own. We can invite others to pray for our specific intentions.

A prayer journal has been placed in the vestibule of the church near the newly hung crucifix. You are welcome to write your intentions in this journal, and we invite parishioners as they enter the church to join in prayer for your intentions.

Power of Prayer

Parish Vocations Cross

Each week, a family or an individual from our parish receives the vocations cross.  During the week they pray for vocations not only from our parish, but throughout the diocese for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious and consecrated life.  If you or your family would like to receive the vocations cross, please scan the QR code below or click here.

Parish Vocations Cross Signup
Ministry to the Homebound

Homebound Ministry

St. Peter Parish has many ministries that are often not known by many of our parishioners. Did you know that we currently have six parishioners who tend to our homebound parishioners on a weekly basis by bringing Holy Communion? Currently there are fourteen homebound parishioners that regularly receive visits.

If you know of a family member or a neighbor who is a parishioner that is either permanently or temporarily homebound and cannot attend Holy Mass, please see if they would like to receive Holy Communion at home. Our normal process is to assign a new person to one of our homebound ministers. Fr. Nathan will make the initial pastoral visit to speak to the homebound parishioner and hear their confession if warranted. A family member simply needs to call the parish office to initiate the process.