Management & Finance

Farewell and Thanks to Susan Klingman

Friday, June 28th will be the last day in which Susan Klingman will be on staff here at St.  Peter.  Susan had accepted a temporary position which was open here at St. Peter for a one-year term. That term will be completed at the end of this month.  

Susan has been a tremendous asset to our parish staff over the past year.  I am so very grateful that she was willing to dedicate this past year to join our staff, particularly in light of the Legacy Campaign which we are undertaking.  Although Susan has been involved in many facets of our parish life, her primary work has been to organize the campaign pledges, track donations and prepare campaign materials.  

Susan’s greatest gift to our parish during this past year has been her witness to the faith and her love for the Church.  Also, being from New Iberia, Susan knows so many people in our community. For this and all her good work, she will be truly missed.

Thank you, Susan and best wishes to you and your beloved husband, Deacon Robert!

Fr. Blanda

Susan Klingman

Christian Formation Building

We are all aware that the Christian Formation building has been in a state of needing repair since Hurricane Delta. Much discussion has been taking place over the past two years regarding the future of this building and how much we want to invest in it. Contractors and architects have told us that we should not invest a lot of financial resources into the building. However, it is certainly needed for office and meeting space. 

Last month we received a blessing in that FEMA finally allocated money for previous storm damage which will allow us to do some minimal work on the building.  This will include fixing the broken glass on the front façade of the building and giving the building a paint job. In addition, we will be doing some repairs on the external staircase which goes to the upstairs apartment. 

We realize that the current state of the building has been an eyesore for some time. This work, which will begin in a few weeks will not only be cosmetic but help us preserve a building that is still needed at this time for our parish.

Fr. Blanda

Dear Parishioners,

This coming Tuesday, May 14th, our parish will begin the renovation of our church. I wanted to give you some information as to how we will maneuver through these months (May- August) of renovation and construction. The following are some bullet points of information:

  • All weekday Masses, including the Saturday morning Mass will be offered in the parish hall. This is being done so that the church can remain closed during the week as a construction site. 

  • Weekend Masses, Saturday, 4:00pm as well as all Sunday Masses, will remain in the church.

  • No weddings are on the calendar for this period of time.

  • Funerals with Mass will take place at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church until the month of September.  St. Peter Parish priests will offer the funeral Masses at OLPH. 

The details of seating in the church for the distribution of Holy Communion and other logistics will be communicated verbally next weekend at all parish Masses. The scheduling of the liturgical ministers for these months of renovation has been modified to accommodate the space in the church which can be utilized. 

During these months we will be witnessing the repainting and décor of the church sanctuary and the two side chapels (Blessed Mother Chapel and St. Joseph Chapel). The lighting of the entire church will also be updated and modified to bring us up-to-date with our electrical system as well as our lighting fixtures. 

Plans are also underway for the construction of our new adoration chapel and for the exterior waterproofing of the church. The generosity of the parishioners of St. Peter has made these projects a reality.  Please consider financially supporting our Legacy Campaign.  We are still in the process of reaching out to all of our parishioners. In the next month or two we will have had the opportunity to invite every parishioner to hear first hand about all of the projects contained in this Legacy Campaign.  We are still eagerly awaiting the plans for our parish hall and the other work still to be accomplished in this Legacy Campaign. 

May the Lord continue to bless the work of our hands!

Fr. Blanda

St. Peter Cemetery Endowment, What Is It, And How Does It Work?

By: Ben LeBleu

As we begin the month of November, our thoughts are immediately drawn to All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  In addition to cleaning graves and placing new flowers in preparation for the blessing of the cemetery, we are asked to consider making a contribution to the St. Peter Cemetery Endowment.  Many of you graciously pay annual dues for either the graves of your loved ones, or a grave that you may have adopted.  Perhaps the question has come to mind, “How is the endowment different from the dues?  How are the funds collected from the cemetery dues used?”  Both of these are valid questions.  

The St. Peter Cemetery Endowment was formed many years ago as a result of the ardent desire of those who worked tirelessly to clean and reclaim the cemetery after it a period of less than adequate maintenance and upkeep.  The funds donated to the endowment are deposited into a dedicated, interest-bearing account with the singular purpose of providing the needed capital for the general upkeep of the cemetery in perpetuity.  The endowment differs from a savings account in that the funds of the endowment are secured and only the interest on the account may be used while the principal, or corpus of the endowment, remains unused. The interest earned by the endowment is reinvested into the endowment to assist in its growth. The donations collected from this collection are directly deposited into the endowment thus increasing the principal amount and allowing for further interest growth.  

The cemetery dues, on the other hand, that are collected each year from the annual billing are used to cover the maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery as well as the utilities and insurance costs. These funds are the main source of operating revenue for the cemetery.   The dues are, at this time, able to cover most of the expenses of the year.  As we strive to maintain the cemetery and keep it as a fitting resting place, it is contingent upon our annual income from dues remaining the same or increasing slightly.  This way, we are able continue the current level of upkeep and not have to draw prematurely from the endowment.   In addition, we have been able to work with the New Iberia City Police to do regular patrols to keep the cemetery a safe place for visitors. 

We invite you to take time this month to visit our historic cemetery.  In addition to our endowment, we have several other opportunities available such as: one-time perpetual payments, sponsorships, and donor options.  It is only through your generosity that we are able to care for and preserve our historic cemetery and honor our loved ones resting there.

Message From Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

One of the most awkward things that a priest has to address is money, especially in terms of the weekly offertory.  However, it is the pastor’s responsibility to inform parishioners of the financial health of the parish. Two weeks ago, we published our financial disclosure for the fiscal year (July 2022-June 2023). In that report, one can see that the financial health of the parish was good as we finished the year in the black. The new fiscal year began on July 1st, 2023.  Since that time, our Sunday offertory has dropped.  It is typical that the months of June-August experience a decrease in the weekly offertory collection due to summer travel. However, this year we have not seen a steady rise in the weekly collection once September came. The collections have dropped between 15%-20% from what we count on to meet our parish budget.

I am very much aware of the sacrifices that our people make for the good of our parish. Your contribution of time, talent and treasure is always appreciated and is never taken for granted. As every contribution is helpful and significant, I would like to ask that we all consider a modest increase in our weekly contribution so that our parish can financially meet its commitment to provide ministry, programs, salaries, maintenance, etc. for the good of our parish and for our spiritual and pastoral needs.  I for my part will be increasing my weekly contribution by $5.  If we all do our part, our parish’s financial health will remain strong. 

Thank you for your prayerful consideration!

Fr. Blanda

Memorial Giving Opportunities

Our parish is always moving forward to enhance the beauty of our church and increase piety and devotion.  We are currently awaiting the arrival of some liturgical furnishings that will assist in both beautification and piety.  By popular request we have commissioned an altar rail which will be located in front of the center pews of the nave of the church.  In addition, we have commissioned the fabrication of matching sanctuary kneelers for the altar servers and a more amble cantor stand.  We have been blessed to already receive donations that just about cover the cost of the altar rail.  The list below is an account of what is still owed.  If you would like to help donate funds to any of these furnishings, please contact the parish office or simply send in a donation clearly marked that it is designated for this purpose.  These furnishings should be arriving and installed by the end of September or beginning of October.

  • Altar Rail: $445 (still owed)

  • Sanctuary Kneelers for Altar Servers: $3,125

  • Cantor’s Stand and Platform:  $2,515

Update on the 1953 Wicks Pipe Organ

Our Music Director and Organist, Ben LeBleu has given me an update concerning the repairs needed for our historic 1953 Wicks pipe organ.  I would like to take this opportunity to inform our parishioners of the current status. 

It has been determined that the organ is in need of replacing the blower motor and the winding system, as well as re-leathering the seven wind reservoirs.  Since the time of this occurrence, we have been working diligently to investigate the best way to make the needed repairs. We have received a bid of $22,000 for the replacement of the organ blower and winding system. It is estimated that the re-leathering of the reservoirs will be around $30,000.  The cost of the re-leathering cannot be exactly determined until the blower and winding system have been replaced and up and running. Once the new blower and winding system have been installed, we will better know the extent of the damage of the wind reservoirs. We are thus expecting the essential repairs of the organ to be close to $50,000. The estimated time for manufacturing, delivery, and installation of the new blower is roughly six (6) months.  

Some parishioners have already shown great interest in financially supporting this very much needed repair. We have already received $4,100 in donations designated to the repair of this noble instrument. We wish to thank those who have generously made donations. It is essential that we exercise good stewardship in caring for this historic instrument which, if completely replaced, would cost nearly two million dollars. If you would like to make a donation to the organ repair project, it would be greatly appreciated as this costly repair was not in our parish budget.  

We thank you for your patience and your understanding as we work to resolve this issue. In the meantime, we will continue to give praise to God in song by singing a capella. 

Fr. Blanda  

Pastor’s Youth Council

Dear Parishioners,

Each and every parish of our Diocese shares the same priority of concern for parish life.  When asked what areas of parish life need more attention, most people will say it is the youth.  We all agree on this as it is a challenge.  I am convinced that the formulation of a youth group in this day and age is not successful because our young people already have so many commitments with school and athletic programs.  Furthermore, if a youth group does exist, most never having more than 10-15 steady members, the activities that are offered never seem to reach the young parishioners who are not part of the youth group. I have decided to take an alternate approach here at St. Peter to reach out to the youth of our parish.  

In lieu of a youth group, I have established a Pastor’s Youth Council comprised of college students and seniors in high school. They will be working directly with me in order to create an environment here at St.  Peter Parish where there will be regular activities (spiritual, apostolic, and communal) in which all the youth of the parish are invited, not just for those who belong to an established youth group. These eight members of the Pastor’s Youth Council have already met with me to begin planning activities for the next coming months.  Stay tuned for more information as the announcement of these events unfold.

I would think that the greatest compliment concerning youth ministry here at St. Peter would be for moms and dads to say, “We love belonging to St. Peter Parish.  They offer so much for our children.”

May the Good Lord, through the intercession of St. John Bosco, intercede for us as this newly formed Council prepares to minister to the younger parishioners of St. Peter Parish. 

Fr. Blanda

Financial Report - Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022


  • Weekend Offertory Collections $723,097.37*

  • Diocesan Second Collections $12,325.56

  • Other Donations $56,372.66

  • Rental of Church & Hall $1,699.70

  • Religious Education & Youth Ministry $4,831.50

  • Interest on Endowments $28,748.10

  • Diocesan Reimbursements $23,196.71

  • Old St. Peter’s Cemetery Dues, Sales & Donations $41,348.00

  • BSA Over Goal Rebate $2,021.61

  • Candles – Sales $14,164.51

  • Profit Sharing $16,767.97

  • Centennial Campaign $4,402.74

  • Insurance Claims $8,075.00

TOTAL RECEIPTS $937,051.43


  • Assessment Remitted to Diocese $119,012.19

  • Salaries & Benefits for Clergy & Lay Employees $357,819.05

  • Substitute Clergy $1,425.00

  • Contract Labor $10,826.43

  • Property/Liability Insurance $67,035.00

  • Utilities $56,286.20

  • Repairs/Maintenance $449,827.00

  • Religious and Liturgy Supplies $31,357.81

  • Office and Residential Operations $65,438.37

  • Subsidies/Contributions $30,352.53**

  • Diocesan Second Collections Remitted $12,325.56

  • Travel & Transportation $2,212.84

  • Devotional Candle Expenses $7,351.17

  • Religious Education & Youth Expenses $3,648.74

  • Advertising & Parish Ministry Expenses $26,721.30

TOTAL EXPENSES $1,241,639.19


  • Transfer from General Savings as well as Profit Sharing and Centennial Savings for Repairs and Maintenance $348,079.77


*Offertory collection number includes general offertory as well as all second collections that remain in the parish.

**Includes support to CHS, SES, Unexpected Pregnancy Center, and Disch-DeClouet Social Service Center.

Needed Budget Income for St. Peter Parish

Occasionally I see in some parish bulletins the reporting of the weekly collection along with the budget income figure that is needed each week. Perhaps the practice does give parishioners the visual aid to see what the weekend collection needs to be each week to make ends meet. We might in the future consider doing that here at St. Peter.

In the meantime, I though I would share with you some interesting figures. In order for our weekly offerings to reach our budget goals, the following would be the target for our weekly offertory giving and our monthly second collections:

  • General Offertory (First Collection taken each Sunday) *$11,500/week

  • Second Collection for Property and Liability Insurance **$5,500/month

  • CHS Subsidy: $2,000/bi-monthly

  • Maintenance and Repair ***$3,500/month

If we were to discontinue the second collections that stay in the parish as listed above, our general offertory collection would have to reach approximately $15,000/week.

On behalf of the Pastoral Council and our Finance Committee, we thank you for your financial commitment to St. Peter Parish.

Fr. Blanda

* This takes in to account the collections of Christmas and other Holy Days of Obligation that do not fall on Sundays.
** This would be the monthly income needed without the annual insurance appeal.
*** This is an approximate figure based on regular maintenance and repair issues. This figure does not include special projects.