Our Legacy - Our Community - Our Future

Capital Campaign

Our Legacy-Our Community-Our Future

Dear Parishioners,

It is with heartfelt thanks to our many donors that our capital campaign is moving along with such a positive momentum. As we are now beginning the month of September, I thought it appropriate to give you a status report on the campaign projects.  Below is a list of each of the projects along with the status of its work and cost:

Our capital campaign, which has raised near $1.7 million towards our $2.5 million goal has basically covered all the projects except the parish hall.  Helping us reach the campaign goal will assure us of our ability to complete everything that this capital campaign is striving to accomplish.  Please continue to send in your pledge intention if you have already received a campaign packet.  Please come to one of our campaign receptions if you have not yet done so, in order that you can receive the information and be invited to participate.

Fr. Blanda

Capital Campaign Update

As of Tuesday, September 10th, our campaign pledges are now at $1,719,030.47. This now places us at 68.8% of our goal of $2.5 million. This amount is from 155 families who have generously offered campaign pledges.

As we continue to move forward with our Legacy Campaign, we are also encouraging all parishioners to come forward and sign up for a campaign meeting.  This meeting will take less than an hour of your time and will give you great information regarding the campaign, the projects being accomplished and other parish information.  If you have not yet been called by one of our campaign ambassadors, please call the parish office soon to sign up for one of the upcoming campaign meetings. Everyone doing their part according to their means will make this campaign a great success.

Upcoming Campaign Reception Dates and Times

  • Wednesday, October 9th at 6:30 pm

  • Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 pm

  • Thursday, October 24th at 10:00 am

*All receptions will be held in the parish conference room on the Iberia St. side of the building. Use the main office entrance.

Capital Campaign Update 9/-5-2024