Order of Christian Initiation for Adults


Christian Initiation Starts in September!

St. Peter Parish desires to WELCOME ALL into the sacramental life of the Church.


The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a program of formation designed for non-Catholics who are seeking to join the Catholic Church. This program provides opportunities for study, reflection and a spiritual journey led by the program director, the parish clergy and the individual’s personal sponsor. Individuals entering the Catholic Church are typically received into the Church as part of our Easter liturgies.

If you are aware of anyone seeking entrance into the Catholic Church or simply have questions regarding what would be involved to become a Catholic, please assist them by putting them in touch with our parish. For signup and further information, please email frfurka@stpetersofnewiberia.com



Adult Formation — Adult Confirmation
Starts Sunday, September 8th

Every Sunday (5 Sundays): 11:30am-12:30pm in the Hall Adult Catholics who have not been confirmed

Christian Initiation — OCIA
Starts Sunday, September 8th

Every Sunday (until Easter): 11:30am-12:30pm in the Hall

Those never baptized/those needing full faith catechesis.

Welcome to Our Catholic Church

On Sunday, April 16th Fr. Blanda received Charles Barnewald, Taylor Dixon, Donna Romero and Donald Watson into the Catholic Church.  We welcome these individuals in particular to St. Peter Parish.  May the Lord give them the grace to preserve the faith which has been so lovingly embraced.  We also continue our appreciation to Mary Wyble, St. Peter OCIA Director, for leading these individuals on their journey to the Catholic Church.

OCIA Graduates