Christian Formation & Community Life

That Man is You

TMIY Men’s Group - The Fall semester began September 10th. Sessions are every Tuesday 6:00 am to 7:30 am at St. Peter Catholic Church Hall. The group includes men from church parishes from all around Iberia Parish. If you were not able to attend the first meeting, join them at any time. 

That Man Is You!

The Great Novena—Preparation for Jubilee Year 2025

What is it?

A 9-year novena leading up to 2033, the 2,000th anniversary of our salvation.

When is it?

It begins Saturday, Sept. 14th on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and continues until Sept. 14th, 2033. A small act of fasting is encouraged from Sept. 11th - 13th in preparation for the kick-off.

How do I prepare?

There are 3 pieces:

1) Pray the novena prayer every day.

2) Read the monthly reflections published for the Great Novena.

3) Observe the special days of prayer and fasting for each year.

Where do I find out more?


The Great Novena

Renewing Our Hearts in the Fires of the Eucharist

Renewing Our Hearts in the Fire of the Eucharist

Alfred Hitchcock’s “I Confess”

Movie Matinee is still on for September 12th at 2:00 pm

Montgomery Clift plays a priest, who comes under suspicion of murder and cannot clear his name without breaking the seal of the confessional.

"I Confess" Movie Matinee

Assist families of those who have died

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Do you know of someone who needs healing or would benefit from prayer? Consider enrolling that person in The St Peter Prayer Blanket Ministry. The recipient will receive a blessed prayer blanket, a healing prayer, enrollment in the Church prayer request book and remembrance of those enrolled in the ministry at the weekend Masses. There is no charge to receive a blanket. In addition to these benefits, a candle can burn in Church for a week for $5.00. If you would like a blanket or would want to volunteer to sew, crochet or knit for this Ministry, please contact Eileen in the Parish Office at 337-359-4848.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

New Procurators and Advocates

Bishop Deshotel presented decrees to our new Lay Procurators and Advocates on the evening of June 4th during Vespers at Immaculata Chapel in Lafayette. Among these were Mrs. Eileen Boudoin and Mr. Joey Danos from St. Peter Parish.

These 34 men and women began training to serve as lay advocates for the Diocese of Lafayette in early April and completed their program at the end of May. After being recommended by their pastor, candidates committed themselves to 10 hours of classroom instruction, substantial reading assignments, and weekly exams. The coursework focused on the theology of marriage and canon law governing marriage, especially trials challenging the validity of marriage.

Lay advocates are authorized to help individuals prepare their petition for a declaration of nullity. In addition to helping those seeking an annulment at the beginning of the process, these new advocates will accompany them to the case's conclusion. This means that in addition to priests and deacons of the diocese, we now have dozens of laymen and women who can assist in this important work of the church. Having proved their commitment to assisting petitioners and their competence in procedural law, the new lay advocates received their official decree of appointment from Bishop Deshotel on June 4th in the Immaculata Chapel.

The classes were taught by Fr. Kevin Bordelon and Fr. Michael Richard of the Tribunal, who were very impressed by the quality and dedication of the men and women in this pilot program. Fr. Bordelon, the Judicial Vicar, noted that additional cohorts of lay advocates may be trained in the coming years.

Congratulations to all!

New Procurators and Advocates