Privacy Policy

St. Peter Catholic Church Privacy Policy

Last Updated: July 26, 2020

You can navigate the majority of the St. Peter Catholic Church Website (the “Parish Website”) without giving us any information about yourself. Some of the features offered require personal information about our Websites’ visitors. Your privacy is important to us, so please contact us if you have any questions.

This privacy policy details how we may collect, use, and share information about you. This privacy policy applies only to the Parish Website, which we refer to collectively as “the Website” or “our Website.” This privacy notice does not apply to, among other things, information collected by the Parish or the School offline, such as in person, through forms or by telephone.

How We Use and Receive Personal Information

You may choose to provide personal information through our Website, including in any of the ways specifically described below. You should not provide us with any personal information that you do not wish us to store or use for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy.

We may use any personal information for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • To maintain and administer our Websites’ membership accounts (if any), databases related to parishioners and religious education (which may include records concerning monetary donations), participation in Parish or School programs and activities;

  • To respond to inquiries, gather feedback, and communicate with you about our services, events, programs, and activities;

  • To provide you with the services you request and evaluate or improve these services;

  • To process payments, donations, and other transactions;

  • To protect the integrity of or to improve our Website;

  • To comply with applicable legal requirements and with our policies;

  • To perform research and analyses; and

  • For any other purpose reasonably related to the context in which you have provided the information.

  • We also may receive personal information about you when you provide it to other websites, such as the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette's website.

We receive personal information through our Website in several ways, which are described below:

Registering for Programs and Activities—You may wish to register through our Website for various programs and activities, such as school programs, library services, workshops, volunteer opportunities, and other events. In order to register, you may be required to provide information such as your program and activity choices or preferences; any allergies and special needs; your name, e-mail address, telephone number, member username, member password, and institutional membership status; emergency contact information; and, when you are registering on behalf of others, the number of participants that will engage in the program, the names of the participants, the participants’ ages, the participants’ parent name(s), the participants’ residential addresses, the participants’ telephone numbers, and the participants’ grade levels.

Contacting Us—You may choose to contact us through links and email addresses provided on our Website. We will receive your email address and any other information you choose to include in your message.

Donations—If you enroll in our automated giving program, we require information such as your name, company name, residential address, telephone number, e-mail address, and payment information such as your credit card information or financial account and routing numbers.

We may collect any of the types of information described above, and similar types of information, for other purposes as we add or change features of the Website. We also provide form(s) on our Website that you may complete and provide to us offline. This policy does not apply to this or other offline types of data collection, but we may combine information collected in multiple contexts for purposes similar to those described here.

Sharing Information

Service providers assist us in providing certain website features and services. For example, service providers manage our member database, process payments and donations, and provide other applications such as calendars. Your information is shared with these parties so they can provide services. Our service providers are only authorized to use information to perform services on our behalf or for limited administrative purposes and legal compliance.

We may disclose personal information in other circumstances, such as:

  • If we are required or permitted to do so by law or legal process;

  • In response to reasonable requests by law enforcement authorities or other government officials;

  • When we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity; or

  • If necessary to protect the vital interests of another individual (such as to prevent death, bodily harm, or serious damage to property).

We reserve the right to transfer information about our users in the event of a reorganization of the Parish or the School. We also may share information with the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette and affiliated organizations.

We will not use or disclose your personal information in a manner materially different than described in this policy unless we first seek and receive your prior express consent to the use or disclosure.

Cookies and Information We Receive Automatically

We also receive information about our Websites’ visitors through cookies. Cookies record information such as the pages you visited, the features you used, and the amount of time you visited a page. You always have the right to refuse placement of cookies or you can delete them at any time.

Links to Other Sites

We may provide links to other websites for your convenience and information. These sites may not be owned, controlled, or operated by St. Peter Catholic Church. For example, School Websites. In those cases, we cannot control how information collected by those sites will be used, shared, or secured. If you visit linked sites, we strongly suggest that you review the privacy notices or policies posted at those sites. We are not responsible for the content of linked sites, your use of them, or the information practices of their operators.

Notification of Changes

As we change our Websites or privacy practices, and as privacy laws evolve, it may be necessary to revise or update our privacy policy. We will always change the “last updated” date on the policy to reflect when it was last revised. However, we will always continue to protect your personal information in accordance with applicable law and as described by our current privacy policy.