Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

CCD Formation Program

CCD can provide benefits well beyond a strong sense of faith. It gives a strong community of friends, teachers and clergy with the same moral base, and a stable environment in which to learn, grow and thrive.

See below for Info, Schedule, and Registration Forms for 2024-2025

Email CCD Registration PDF forms to

Form becomes fillable after it has been downloaded.

Fr. Furka

Info, Schedule, Registration Forms for 2024-2025

For those who missed our All-Parent meeting for Catechism, First Communion, and Confirmation classes this year or for a quick summary:

We are running our programs in two semesters, fall and spring, each being two months a piece. Confirmation will only consist of one "semester" and will finish in the fall. There will, however, be a "post-confirmation" group started in the spring.

Please see below the main points about our program this year:

Family Catechism (CCD)
Starts Sunday, September 8th

Every Sunday (for 2 months): 8:30am-10:00am in the Hall
1st-7th grades
At least one parent (guardian) in class

Start with breakfast cooked by KCs
Then, big group class
Then, break out = kids with catechists, parents with me

First Communion
Same time and place as Family Catechism
First Confession in Fall/ First Communion in Spring

Every Sunday (for 2 months): 8:30am-10:00am
2nd grade
At least one parent (guardian) in class

Same structure as above:
breakfast, big group, then kids with catechist, parents with me

Starts Sunday, September 8th

Every Sunday (for 2 months): 3:30pm-4:30pm in the Hall
8th, 9th, and 10th grades
Just the confirmands at class

Retreat day - November 9th | 8:00am-4:00pm
Confirmation Mass - November TBD

Note: A confirmation sponsor must be confirmed and living the Catholic faith (unmarried and not cohabitating/ within a Catholic marriage). A sponsor cannot be the parents of the confirmand.

Other Info

See below costs for our programs. Forms may be brought to the office or scanned and emailed to:

  • Family Catechism - no cost (donations welcome)

  • First Communion - $40 per child

  • Need baptism certificate copy

  • Confirmation - $100 per child

  • Need baptism and first communion certificate copies